From time time time I hear stories, the "did you know" kind of thing followed by long ummms, eye rolls ans heavy sighs, that look of uncomfort and utter confusion with the statement..."what is he thinking".
Or the classic, "did you see his post" on whatever social media platform. Which I have to respond, "no I didn't, I'm blocked!" Then the person proceeds to share the post, or show me the post on his or her phone. (As if I have any control or say in it.)
I explain, I have no say, all I can say, is if you don't like see his posts of really young girls a 50 year old married man shouldn't be looking at...unfollow or unfriend. And if your really offended- report.
Then it's the big eyed-"I did. But what is he thinking". I respond with a chuckle, "clearly he's not or is ..but not with his brain". "He's a sex addict and obviously he gets a thrill looking at girls the same age as his daughter". "That's his wife's problem". Simply, walk away with "you can always grow a set and ask him"..."not me."
Sadly, this is very common. Girls exploited for their bodies and worse for sex. To be an object in someone's mind and thoughts. Not only girls, boys too. Children of all ages, preyed upon by sick people. Trafficked, raped, beaten, and killed.
Does it begin with a picture, a magazine, a post, the internet? One picture or post leads to 3, or 4, then 100s. Hard drives and old computers full of what? Might be more than just music after all.
Makes me want to vomit..So gross.